Assign certificate to the Application Registry

Genesys 和 ServiceNow 集成带来的统一体验:即将推出的功能

After you create an X.509 certificate in ServiceNow, assign the certificate to the Application Registry created for managing Genesys Cloud.

To assign the certificate:

  1. 登录 ServiceNow。
  2. Select the application registry created previously for Genesys Cloud. 
  3. Click Edit Application.
  4. Select the Jwt Verifier Maps tab and click New.
  5. Enter the following details for the token:
    • Name – A name for the token.
    • Sys certificate – Select the X.509 certificate created for Genesys Cloud from the list.
      Note: Do not update the Kid and Shared key fields in the record.
  6. 单击 “ 提交”
  7. Click Update to associate the certificate with the application registry.