Email delivery receipts

When you send email messages, you can track the delivery status information in Analytics. 以下交付状态信息将在 Analytics 中提供。 有关详细信息,请参阅 交互视图。

收据码 描述 Retryable*
已接受 承运人已接受该消息。
BOUNCE The message delivery bounced.
CLICK Recipient clicked a tracked link in the email.
DELAYED The message delivery was delayed.
已交付 承运人确认消息已送达。
OPEN The message was opened by the recipient.
RECIPIENT_FLAGGED_SPAM The recipient has flagged the message as spam.
已拒绝 承运人已拒绝该消息。
UNSUBSCRIBE_LIST Recipient unsubscribed.


* If there is a failure, should you try again?