更新 Genesys Cloud for Teams 应用程序

If you have already installed the Genesys Cloud for Teams app into your Azure tenant for all users, then you must update the app to add the OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite permission.


  1. Log in to https://portal.azure.com/.
  2. 导航天蓝色>活动目录>企业应用>所有应用程序
  3. 在租户中搜索应用程序 ID 为 728ece5a-0f26-4c43-9705-cea9debe3fb5 的 Genesys Cloud for Teams 应用程序。
  4. 单击 Genesys Cloud for Teams 应用程序。
  5. 导航到 “安全” > “权限”
  6. 单击 Genesys Cloud for Teams 应用程序授予管理员同意
  7. Authenticate and click Accept to get access to the specified resources. 
    The OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite permission is now added to the app for users to view and create online meetings.