Genesys Cloud
Time-off limits screen updates

宣布于 生效日期
2024-07-01 -

In a future Genesys Cloud release, Genesys will make several updates to the time-off limits screen:

  • Day column – Users can sort and filter time-off limits by the day of the week.
  • Available Time-Off Hours column – Users can see how many time-off limit hours are available each day.
  • Direct Editing of the Hours field – Users can directly edit the Hours field for time-off limits individually. Previously, users had to check off the item and go to the bottom of the screen to edit.
  • Save button: The floppy disk save button will now be a blue Save button.

点击图片放大。 Current time-off limits screen

点击图片放大。 New time-off limits screen