Add a Time variable

A Time value is a string in the format prescribed by the XML standard for date data, similar to ISO 8601. 

注意: Architect currently does not support offsets or timezones on Time values. 您无法指定偏移量或时区,但是 Architect 会在表达式编辑器函数中报告该值,就好像它是 UTC 一样。 If you create a function that calls ToTime(time), Architect returns the value with a Z appended to the string and treats the value as UTC.

Add a Time variable to a task sequence

In a task sequence, you can add a time variable to an Update Data action.

  1. 从工具箱中,展开 数据 类别,然后将 “ 更新数据” 操作拖动到任务中的所需位置。
  2. 在 “更新数据” 工作空间的 “名称” 字段中,添加一个有意义的名称来描述项目。
  3. Click next to Update Statements and select Time.
  4. 变量名称 字段中,键入标签以标识任务中的变量。
  5. To set the values in literal mode, in the Value To Assign field, enter the appropriate time value, including AM and PM.
  6. To set the value using an expression, click the Expression modes button , select Expression, and perform one of the following steps:
    • 以内联方式添加表达式。
    • Click the Large Expression Editor button to open the Edit Expression Editor and build your expression.
  7. (Optional) To add another Time variable, click next to Update Statements