Content offer lifecycle

State transitions for content offers

Content offer transition


Content offer lifecycle states

The following table describes the lifecycle of a content offer, including the events that can occur and the data that is available for use with the Events Methods.

状态事件描述Data available
已发起Web 操作已邀请Visitor's activity qualifies an action map and the action map presents a content offer.See Events methods with web actions.
acceptedWeb 操作已接受Visitor accepts the offer (for example, clicks a Book now! button). This is a terminal state.See Events methods with web actions.
rejectedWeb 操作已拒绝Visitor rejects the offer (for example, clicks X or a No, but thank you button). This is a terminal state.See Events methods with web actions.
erroredWeb 操作已出错An error occurred in the widget that prevented the engagement from occurring.

注意: This event does not have a corresponding metric in the Action Map Performance Report.

See Events methods with web actions.

In addition, the errorMessage field is available.

ignoredWeb 操作已忽略Visitor ignores the invitation (for example, navigates away from or around it). This is a terminal state.

注意: This event does not have a corresponding metric in the Action Map Performance Report.

See Events methods with web actions.


Terminal states for content offers

在内容提供生命周期中,某些状态是terminal,或最终状态。 如果访问者访问设置了操作地图以触发内容优惠的网页,则操作地图在处于最终状态时不会显示内容优惠。 此功能可确保访问者在之前接受要约后或在表示不感兴趣之后不会收到相同的内容要约。

Terminal states for content offers are:

  • 已接受
  • 已拒绝
  • 已忽略

For more information, see Define an action map's triggers.

Report metrics and events

The metrics in the Action Map Performance report correlate with the event types for web actions. For more information about metrics for content offers, see Monitor a content offer's performance.