
内置变量在只读文本按钮复选框单选按钮链接,或者 markdown 在脚本编辑器中有焦点。 

有关内置变量的列表,请单击 变量

Built-in variables provide information about objects that the system tracks automatically, such as the agent’s name or duration of the current call. For example, if you select Scripter.Agent Name from the list, Scripter inserts a placeholder for that variable into the component. Two sets of curly braces enclose the variable name: {{Scripter.Agent Name}}.

可以将手动输入的文本与变量混合使用。 例如:

Outstanding agent {{Scripter.Agent Name}} has been on this call for {{Scripter.Agent Call Duration}} minutes.


  • 带有 Scripter 前缀的变量可用于所有脚本,无论是入站还是出站脚本。

  • 带有 Outbound 前缀的变量为与脚本关联的联系人列表中的列插入占位符。 只有启用脚本的 Outbound 属性时,才会显示出站变量。

  • 您创建的自定义变量。


{{Scripter.Agent Call Duration}}—total time that the agent was on the call.

{{Scripter.Agent Call Start Time}}—time when the call was connected to the agent.

{{Scripter.Agent Communication ID}}— 坐席当前通讯的 ID。

{{Scripter.Agent Email}}—agent’s email address.

{{Scripter.Agent Formatted Number}}—formatted number that the contact sees as the agent’s caller ID.

{{Scripter.Agent Locale}}—agent’s chosen language code, such as: en-US: English; fr: French; and es: Spanish, based on the agent’s language selection.

{{Scripter.Agent Id}}—agent’s Genesys Cloud ID (UUID).

{{Scripter.Agent Name}}—name entered for the agent user.

{{Scripter.Agent Participant ID}}—agent’s ID.

{{Scripter.Customer Call Duration}}—total time the customer has been on the call.

{{Scripter.Customer Call Start Time}}—time when the call started.

{{Scripter.Customer Communication ID}}—ID of customer’s current communication.

{{Scripter.Customer Formatted Number}}—customer’s formatted phone number.

{{Scripter.Customer Participant ID}}—customer’s ID.

{{Scripter.Interaction Id}}—unique ID assigned to the interaction. This variable is the same as the conversationID in the Genesys Cloud API.

{{Scripter.Interaction State}}—current state of the interaction. See Interaction states

{{Scripter.Interaction Type}}—互动类型:例如电话、聊天、电子邮件或其他。

{{Scripter.Message Type}}— 消息服务的消息类型:例如 sms、facebook、twitter、line。

{{Scripter.Page Is Invalid}}—true or false, whether the script contains an error.

{{Scripter.Queue ID}}—ID of the queue this interaction is on.

{{Scripter.Queue Name}}—name of the queue this interaction is on.

{{Scripter.Raw Interaction State}}—untranslated current state of the interaction. See Interaction states

{{Scripter.Raw Interaction Type}}— 未翻译的交互类型:例如,电话、聊天、电子邮件或其他。

{{Scripter.Script ID}}—ID of this script.

注意: 一些脚本编写者。{{}} 变量被翻译成代理设置的首选语言。 例如,{{Scripter.Interactive State}} 变量从英语中的 “已连接” 变为法语中的 “连接”。 因此,在使用中,以 “connected” 作为关键字的逻辑仅适用于以英语为首选语言的代理。 将 Raw 版本用于编程用途,因为它们未经过翻译。


{{Outbound.Campaign ID}}—ID of the campaign associated with this script’s Outbound property.

{{Outbound.Campaign Name}}—Name of the outbound campaign associated with this script’s Outbound property.

注意: 要访问 Outbound.Campaign Name 变量的市场活动名称,用户必须拥有出境>活动>看法许可和出境>活动>搜索允许。

{{Outbound.Contact ID}}—ID number of the outbound contact.


{{Chat.Chat Room ID}}—ID of the chat room.

{{Chat.Customer Chat ID}}—The Genesys Cloud ID for this chat interaction. 

Genesys Cloud 网络聊天小部件 传递以下变量的值。 如果你的网络聊天开发人员没有为他们分配值,他们就没有值。

{{Chat.Customer Email}}—The customer’s email address. 

{{Chat.Customer First Name}}—The customer’s first name.

{{Chat.Customer Last Name}}—The customer’s last name.

{{Chat.Customer Street}}—The customer’s street.

{{Chat.Customer City}}—The customer’s city.

{{Chat.Customer Postal Code}}—The customer’s postal code, for example: 50163.

{{Chat.Customer State}}—The customer’s state.

{{Chat.Customer Phone Number}}—The customer’s phone number.

{{Chat.Customer Phone Type}}—The customer’s phone type.

{{Chat.Customer ID}}—The ID for this customer, set by your web chat developers. For example, you can configure web chat to supply the account number that your organization keeps for that user. As a result, the agent can use it to look up the customer in a database.


{{Email.Customer Email Address}}—The address that the customer used.

{{Email.Subject}}—The subject line of the customer’s email.

UUI 变量:

{{UUI.UUIData}}User to User Information (UUI) is the exchange or passage of data that is unrelated to the call from one application to another. Scripts support UUI data exchange. To use UUI data in scripts, enable the script’s UUI property, enable the User to User Information settings on the trunk and set a UUI Data action.