防火墙白名单的 IP 地址

  • 2024 年 12 月 7 日 - 额外的 CIDR 块(商业区域):

Genesys Cloud is deployed in a public cloud environment where IP addresses are expected to change. The IP addresses used by Genesys Cloud are provided by our vendor from their public IP pool, which contains many IP addresses used by many other organizations. All client connections (including BYOC Premises Edges, WebRTC Clients, and hard phones for BYOC Cloud and Genesys Cloud Voice customers) to Genesys Cloud are started as outbound connections to Genesys Cloud cloud services. When network access restrictions are used, such as a firewall, Genesys Cloud recommends allowing client outbound access on the specified ports to any IP destination.

For more information about IP addresses and ports, see the following FAQs:

Genesys Cloud 还将某些 IP 地址用于出站数据操作流量、出站开放消息流量、AudioHook 和到客户端点的出站 SMTP 流量。 您可以将这些 IP 地址添加到白名单中,以防止未经授权访问您的 API 资源。 要检索这些 IP 地址的列表,请调用 GET /api/v2/ipranges

Note: Whenever possible, Genesys announces changes to the list of IP addresses for outbound data action traffic and SMTP traffic under Features coming soon.

The table below lists each vendor and, where available, provides a list of potential IP addresses its services use. For more information about other ports and services for your firewall, see About ports and services for your firewall

Note: Vendors can update the lists at any time without notice.
所有者 服务 IP 地址 描述
亚马逊 AWS Genesys Cloud
亚马逊 AWS 

请参阅 亚马逊 AWS IP 地址 JSON 文件

Amazon AWS uses a large set of IP address ranges.


Amazon AWS uses a large set of IP address ranges. Services deployed in AWS can use any of these addresses, and addresses are subject to change frequently. Amazon provides and maintains a list of available IP addresses, which is subject to change. 

To make sure that you are aware of the most recent changes in the Amazon AWS IP address JSON file, Genesys recommends that customers subscribe to AWS IP address range notifications. For more information about the JSON file and the notification system, see AWS IP address ranges.

It is possible to limit the range of IP addresses from AWS based on your region. However, the AWS Global region must ALWAYS be included in any allowlist that you create based on the Amazon AWS IP address JSON file.

Genesys Cloud 会议
  • WebRTC 站
  • 使用 Genesys Cloud Voice 或 BYOC Cloud 的 Pol
  • BYOC 云
  • 屏幕录像
  • 视频聊天



FedRAMP 地区


Genesys 拥有的 /20 和 /21 CIDR IP 地址范围,用于面向公众的媒体服务。

Genesys Cloud uses the CIDR IP address ranges in most supported regions. For more information, see Cloud media services CIDR IP address range.

Genesys AudioHook 监控器 有关详细信息,请参阅For more information, see我如何获取我所在地区可能发出 AudioHook 协议请求的 IP 地址范围,以便将其添加到我的允许列表中? 
Genesys 音频连接器

有关详细信息,请参阅For more information, see我如何获取我所在地区可能发出音频连接器协议请求的 IP 地址范围,以便将其添加到我的允许列表中?

Genesys 机器人连接器

有关详细信息,请参阅For more information, see我如何获取我所在地区可能发出 Bot Connector 协议请求的 IP 地址范围,以便将其添加到我的允许列表中?

BYOT 语音转文本 (STT)

有关详细信息,请参阅For more information, see我如何获取我所在地区的 BYOT-STT 协议请求可能来自的 IP 地址范围,以便将其添加到我的允许列表中?

Google 谷歌在 goog.json 中发布了它向用户提供的 IP 范围的完整列表
新遗物 请参阅 NewRelic IP 和域名 详细信息。
Polycom Polycom 没有提供其服务使用的潜在 IP 地址的列表。

ContentSquare 建议将以下 IP 地址添加到防火墙允许列表中:

Note: Although Genesys Cloud owns the /20 CIDR IP address range for public facing media services, Genesys Cloud does not own any of the other IP addresses it uses. These other IP addresses come from third-party service provider IP pools. The availability of potential IP address lists depends on each provider providing those IP addresses. IP lists that are provided do not only list IP in use by Genesys Cloud, but include IP addresses used by other non-Genesys Cloud services.


添加了 Genesys Audio Connector、Genesys Bot Connector 和 BYOT Speech-to-text (STT)。


为 ContentSquare 添加了 IP 地址。


FedRAMP 的 CIDR 已发布。删除即将推出的标志。


修改了“了解更多关于Amazon AWS IP地址”的内容。


添加了 Genesys AudioHook 监视器。


新的核心/卫星和 FedRAMP CIDR IP 地址范围现已正式发布。


添加了新的 Core/Satellite 和 FedRAMP CIDR IP 地址范围,即将上线。


谷歌现在发布了他们的 IP 范围-添加了一个指向 JSON 文件的链接,其中包含谷歌的完整 IP 范围列表。


为 Genesys 云媒体服务 20 CIDR IP 地址范围添加了新行。


将防火墙 文章中较大的 端口和服务的主要部分分解为较小的文章。 创建本文是为了涵盖防火墙白名单的 IP 地址。