Configure Genesys Cloud CX Agent Performance Stats component

  • Install CX Cloud, WEM for Salesforce Service Cloud package

Administrators can add the agent performance stats as a stand-alone component to a contact center in Salesforce Service Cloud Voice. The agent performance stats component displays the performance metrics of the agents. The stats helps the agents to monitor the activity and identify areas for improvement.

The Genesys Cloud CX Agent Performance Stats component is available when you install the CX Cloud, WEM for Salesforce Service Cloud package.

For more information about agent performance, see Agents Performance Detail view and My Performance view.

Configure and add the component

In Salesforce, add the Agent Performance and stats component as a custom component to a Lightning page, and then add the page as an app navigation item to your contact center Lightning app. For more information about how to add the feature to an existing voice call record page, see Create and configure the Voice Call record page for agents

For more information, see Create and Configure Lightning Experience Record Pages and Activate Lightning Experience Record Pages in the Salesforce documentation.

The component displays statistics for different media types, including voice, callback, chat, email, and message. When you add the component to a Lightning page in Salesforce, you can configure the following settings:

  • Display type: Choose between a comprehensive Full layout that displays the complete statistics for all the media types or a focused Mini layout that displays the selected statistical data for a selected media type.
  • Choose category: When you use the Mini layout, select the specific media type for which the data appears. Select one of the following media types from Voice, Callback, Email, Chat, and Message.
  • Choose stat to display: When you use the Mini layout, select the specific statistics to display for the chosen media type. The following table lists the statistics that appear for the media type:
    统计数据 描述
    已应答 话务员接听的分配的 ACD 交互数量。 当座席是第一个连接到交互的人时,应答的增量。


    计算方法为: 总通话时间/与通话时间的互动计数


    The average number of seconds that interactions were on hold.

    计算方法为: 总保管时间/与保全进行的交互次数

    平均 ACW


    计算方法为: ACW /与ACW的互动总数


    话务员处理交互所用的总时间。 此计算包括通话时间、保持时间和呼叫后工作时间。 对于外拨电话,它还包括拨号和联系时间。

    计算方法为: (累计通话时间 + 累计保持时间 + 累计呼叫后工作时间 + 累计拨号时间 + 累计联系时间)/处理的交互次数


    座席在一个队列中应答然后转移的互动次数的度量。 转移计入座席在其中应答交互的队列。 此度量是通过盲目转移或咨询转移的交互次数计算得出的。 


    The number of sessions where the users interact during conversations. A session includes the point where the agent joins the conversation to the point where they disconnect.


    The number of times after-call work (ACW) was completed. 呼叫后工作是座席在互动之后立即执行的工作。 工作可能涉及键入活动代码、更新客户数据库、填写表格或发起外呼联系。 作为度量,它表示座席完成呼叫工作所需的总时间。 如果座席必须完成工作才能处理下一次联系,则 ACW 会计入平均处理时间。 


Agents log in to the contact center Lightning app and can view their performance stats. The following image shows when the stats is selected to display in full layout:

This image is a screenshot of the agent performance stats in a full layout.

The following image shows when the stats is selected to appear in a mini layout for a specific media type and metrics:

This image is a screenshot of the agent performance stats in a mini layout.