功能弃用: Genesys 将不再支持 ACD Web Chat v2,客户可以通过所有相应的 Chat Widget 版本使用该聊天工具。这是对之前宣布的 ACD Web Chat v1 弃用的进一步回应。因此,Predictive Engagement 也将终止对这些旧版网络聊天版本的支持。有关更多信息,请参阅 弃用: 删除 ACD Web 聊天(版本 2) 。
鼓励所有现有客户迁移到 Web Messaging 和 Messenger。
- Jou r ne y > 行动地图 > 添加</span></span>、删除、编辑和查看(用于创建操作地图)
- Jou rne y > Action Target > Vie w(从行动地图中选择一个团队来处理互动)
- Deploy one of the following:
- For Genesys Cloud CX customers using web messaging, configure and deploy Genesys Messenger.
- For all other customers, deploy the tracking snippet on the website to track so that you can trigger the action map based on pageview events. To trigger an action map based on other events, use ac(‘record’) to send Genesys Predictive Engagement data about the events to track.
- 创建区段</span></span></span>。
- 创造成果</span></span></span>。
- Create the action.
Learn how to create an action map that Genesys Predictive Engagement uses to engage visitors.
High-level steps
- 转至行政>预测参与>行动地图>创建行动地图。
- 为操作地图提供一个名称。
- Select which action to use when the action map triggers: web messaging, web chat, content offer, or advanced orchestration flow.
- 指定什么触发器行动图(细分、访客活动、结果)。
- Configure an outcome probability.
- Specify the webpages where you do or don’t want the action map to trigger.
- If the action map is for a web chat offer:
- To route the action map to a specific agent queue, select an agent queue.
- To only present chat offers when agents are available to receive them, select a schedule group.
- To ignore the global frequency cap settings and always offer web engagements that this action map qualifies, override the frequency cap for this action map.
- Some options are only available for certain actions.
- The action map is active and ready to trigger on your site by default. To prevent the action map from triggering on your site, slide the toggle to No.
- To create an action map after you reach the limit of 200 action maps, delete an existing action map.
- Specify a descriptive name for the action map.
- Set the action map’s priority relative to similar action maps.