What is Genesys Predictive Engagement?

Genesys Predictive Engagement 是一种基于云的、人工智能驱动的客户互动解决方案,可分析访客在网站上的行为,预测访客想要实现的结果,并对互动进行个性化设置以帮助访问者实现这些结果。

What defines a website visit?

A Web visit starts from the moment a visitor lands on a website and provides consent for tracking. The Web visit continues while the visitor browses the website and lasts until the visitor is inactive for 30 minutes. If the visitor resumes browsing after 30 minutes, Genesys Predictive Engagement tracks that activity as a new Web visit.

Does Genesys Predictive Engagement work on mobile applications?

There is no explicit support for using Genesys Predictive Engagement on mobile apps. On both desktop and mobile browsers, Genesys Predictive Engagement tracks websites only.


我们认识到,每个客户的旅程都是独一无二的,我们可以捕获许多数据属性。 默认情况下,Genesys 预测互动会捕获来自浏览器的页面浏览量数据(网址、页面标题、浏览器类型、位置),并使用这些信息为客户分配相应的区段。

For a full list of the data attributes we support, see visitor attributes, campaign attributes, visitor journey attributes, and custom attributes.

What standard reports are provided?

Genesys Predictive Engagement offers two families of reports, both of which can be filtered for a time period:

Does Genesys Predictive Engagement provide GDPR compliance?

As part of the Genesys Cloud CX platform, Predictive Engagement complies with GDPR regulations. For complete information information about Genesys Cloud CX and GDPR, see Genesys Cloud CX and GDPR compliance. See also Predictive Engagement-specific considerations.

Does Genesys Predictive Engagement support domain allowlists?

是。 Customers can configure a list of allowed domains. This list limits the domains that Genesys Predictive Engagement tracks.

Does Genesys Predictive Engagement handle IP address blocklists?

You can designate IP addresses for which Genesys Predictive Engagement should not generate web events. For more information, see Exclude IP addresses.

Can Genesys Predictive Engagement distinguish between desktop and mobile browsers?

是。 Audience segmentation takes into account device type. For more information, see Visitor attributes.

Can Genesys Predictive Engagement distinguish between browser family and OS type?

是。 Audience segmentation takes into account browser family and OS type. For more information, see Visitor attributes.

Does Genesys Predictive Engagement support co-browse or screenshare in Genesys Cloud CX?

Genesys Predictive Engagement does not support co-browse or screenshare capabilities of Genesys Cloud CX. If a visitor accepts a proactive chat through Genesys Predictive Engagement, an agent cannot escalate the chat to a co-browse or a screenshare session.

Which languages does Genesys Predictive Engagement support?

The user interface for Predictive Engagement administrative features is currently localized in the following languages:

  • 荷兰语
  • 法语
  • 德语
  • 意大利语
  • 日语
  • 朝鲜语
  • 葡萄牙语
  • 西班牙语
  • 瑞典语

The user interface for Predictive Engagement agent features is currently localized in the following languages:

  • Chinese Simplified
  • Chinese Traditional
  • 丹麦语
  • 荷兰语
  • 芬兰语
  • 法语
  • 德语
  • 意大利语
  • 日语
  • 朝鲜语
  • 挪威语
  • 波兰语
  • 葡萄牙语
  • 西班牙语
  • 瑞典语
  • 泰语
  • 土耳其语

How do I increase the offered rate of web chats?

  • If you configured an action map to only show on selected pages, check that the URL condition defined is not restricting chats being offered. Chats are only offered on pages where this condition is met.
  • View the Action map performance report to see how many chats are qualifying outside business hours.
  • Other possible reasons for a low offer rate include the availability of agents, service level throttling, frequency capping, conflicting action maps, or action maps qualifying outside business hours.

How can I increase the number of offers from qualified action maps?

  1. Genesys Predictive Engagement applies URL conditions after qualification. Consider removing URL conditions or changing to a more restrictive operator, such as “contains all.”
  2. 如果客服属于多个队列,则可能会影响他们的可用性以及 Genesys 预测交互提供聊天的能力。
  3. When setting page URL conditions in your segment, ensure that you are not targeting visitors who are about to leave the site. Try adjusting the targeting to a step earlier in their journey. Consider this recommendation when setting page URL conditions in action maps also.
  4. Conflicting action maps may prevent offers from occurring as Genesys Predictive Engagement only offers one action map per action type, once per page.

How can I increase the number of qualifications?

  1. Outcomes won’t increase the number of qualifications. If using outcome scoring, adjust the outcome probability to a lower level to allow more qualification for that outcome. We recommend having up to 10 outcomes configured. Using outcomes can help increase your conversion rates. For more information, see Outcomes overview.
  2. Identify traffic sources that are not performing well on conversion rates. Target these sources as segments to see whether chat, content, or bot intervention can help.
  3. Ensure that the tracking snippet is on all pages of your site.
  4. Configure more custom web events, particularly if your website journey is form-based, that Genesys Predictive Engagement can track to provide more insight for outcome scoring. Also, implement a static rule to always trigger for know pain points. For example, an error message on form submission or an inline validation error.


An action map can trigger based on segment or outcome conditions. Genesys Predictive Engagement doesn’t validate free form text when configuring segments or outcomes. If you misspell a value here and the segment or outcome is used in an action map, it may not trigger. For example, typing “moble” instead of “mobile” as the device category; or, typing “ACB Retailer” when the page title is “ABC Retailer”.


操作地图的 URL 条件可能配置不正确。

Possible causes are:

  • There is a configuration issue with the segment or outcome used to trigger the action map
  • The page URL conditions defined in the action map itself
  • The availability of agents on the queue selected
  • The schedules selected
  • Visitors leaving the site before the action is offered

For more information, see Operators for URL conditions.

Can a visitor qualify for an action map more than once within a single session?

When you create an action map, you specify the conditions, or triggers, that qualify it for a visitor. A visitor cannot qualify for the same action map multiple times in a single session. If multiple action maps qualify, the priority of each action map determines which one Genesys Predictive Engagement offers to the visitor. For more information, see Prioritize an action map.

You can trigger action maps based on:

How does Predictive Engagement ensure that an agent is available to chat with a visitor?

当 Genesys Predictive Engagement 呈现出提出聊天对于访问者来说,该提议可以包括邀请直接与分配给操作地图路由到的队列的现场代理交谈。 多个操作映射可以路由到同一个目标队列。
  • Genesys Predictive Engagement can offer web actions, such as web chats and content offers, every 10 seconds. Visitors may experience a delay in receiving these types of offers.
  • 仅使用如果代理可用,则路由您不打算路由到机器人的网络聊天活动的选项。
  • Multiple action maps can route to the same target queue.
  • Genesys Predictive Engagement does not use workforce management (WFM) or Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) data to power the service level throttling / “Route to agent if available” feature. For Genesys Cloud CX customers, Genesys Predictive Engagement uses the real-time presence status of agents that the analytics APIs provide. The status is available for all Genesys Cloud CX customers and the WFM or WEM features do not impact it directly.
当满足以下条件时,Genesys Predictive Engagement 允许聊天优惠:
  • Action map conditions are met.
  • URL conditions are verified.
  • Throttling allows the chat. By default, throttling aims to have 80% of chats answered within 20 seconds.
    • For Genesys Engage on-premisess customers only, the Agent Pacing Service determines agent availability.
  • Agents are on queue.
  • Chat is within scheduled hours.

Genesys Predictive Engagement 计算服务水平基于 Genesys Cloud CX 中队列的配置。


Why are all the qualified actions not offered?

被阻止的操作报告列出了未提供合格行动的原因。 在操作被阻止的每个原因旁边,会显示以下详细信息:

  • 会话 — 阻止操作的会话数。 如果某项操作在单个会话期间被多次阻止,则会话编号将保留为一个。
  • 计数-操作被阻止的次数。 例如,如果某项操作在单个会话期间被阻止 30 次,则计数为 30。
原因 描述
页面 URL 条件 操作映射不符合操作映射中指定的页面 URL 过滤器。 有关更多信息,请参阅定义动作图的触发器
SLA 油门 队列容量已饱和,导致无法提供操作。 有关更多信息,请参阅节流如何工作
现有报价 在行动图符合条件时,已经向客户推出了报价。
未来报价 动作图指定要提供的动作的未来时间段并且该动作没有被设置为“立即”。 有关更多信息,请参阅网络聊天激活时间和持续时间,内容优惠激活时间和持续时间, 和架构师流程激活时间和持续时间
多项优惠 客户符合多个操作的资格,并在优先级高于此操作的另一操作中收到要约。 如果所有操作映射具有相同的优先级,则操作不按特定顺序提供。 有关更多信息,请参阅确定行动图的优先顺序
无话务员 操作图指定仅在代理可用时才提供操作。 有关更多信息,请参阅将操作映射路由到代理队列
频率上限 访客有资格获得另一张行动地图并收到报价。 有关更多信息,请参阅频次上限设置